March 30, 2022

Welcome to the Doorward Thinking Blog

Nate LeBlanc

My name is Nate LeBlanc and as Dooward’s Director of Engagement, part of my job is to manage the Doorward Thinking blog, host the Doorward Thinking Podcast, and start an expedition towards what is good and true, all while making friends and learning along the way.

I’ll be your companion on a journey towards a better understanding of how our work integrates into our purpose in life.

Oof, that sounds heavy. I’ll be honest, discovering the best way to communicate this journey has been no picnic. We’ve looked at styles ranging from academic in nature to something more contemplative, but they just didn’t stick.

This "reboot" will incorporate elements of both, but first and foremost, it will be an honest communication of our discoveries and epiphanies.

What’s this got to do with Real Estate?

If you’re familiar with Doorward, you’ll know by now that Doorward is a Real Estate Technology Company working on a Social Real Estate market network, among other things, allowing professionals in real estate to socially connect with other professionals and transact business on a user-centered platform, and it turn, live more whole and fulfilling lives. Crazy right?

Learn about us and what we do here!

Real Estate is an ideal vehicle with which we will embark on our quest. Taking a look at our company values and see how Real Estate promotes each:

Forging Strong Relationships:

A strong Real Estate ecosystem requires strong connections with others including tenants, owners, investors, skilled tradesmen and other professionals. The relationship building skills we learn in our work help us to better connect with others in our leisure.

Pursuing Simplicity:

As technology has developed, various online tools have created an ecosystem much like a cluttered office. It’s time for some spring cleaning, taking all of the good and designing an innovative system for the user. Learning to see and prioritize life’s essentials helps us to cut through the clutter and have meaningful interactions with our loved ones.

Fostering Entrepreneurial Spirit:

Real Estate is being seen by more and more people as an avenue to achieving their dreams. Whether this is realized in the business ventures of our users or their family members or communities, we are all more likely to have bigger dreams and achieve them if we are nurtured and encouraged to take the leap with others supporting us.

Defending Freedom:

The dreams people seek to manifest through Real Estate requires the freedom to hope, pursue, learn, and grow into their personal vision. It is necessary for all people to have the ability to learn to pursue and exercise freedom without infringing upon the freedom of others.

Recognizing Importance of Family:

Much of the real estate industry serves the family directly, either in homes to protect family members and culture, workplaces to earn money to financially support dependents or to manage resources, or centers where the community gathers. An emphasis on this understanding helps us to utilize land in the ways that best serve and support others.

Having Heart:

None of the rest above matters if we do not recognize the capacity of the human heart to love and to be loved. Just laws, contracts, work, and decision making are essential for Real Estate to foster Relationship, Simplicity, Entrepreneurial Spirit, Freedom and Family. The heart has an incredible capacity to grow in receiving and giving love. It requires a truly personal and selfless journey towards love where ways to exercise love (e.g. our work) are essential.

Why Me?

It’s a question we all ask ourselves at one time or another, right?

The credit goes to my friend and Doorward’s founder, Daniel Jakubisin, who recognized that in walking away from medical school and trying to start over with $300k in student loan debt, I had begun this personal journey towards understanding the work-purpose integration on my own. He convinced me that I could be up front and center sharing his company’s mission, and communicate our expedition. It took a while to get to this point though, because I let one thing hold me back…

Five months ago when I signed on I didn’t know ANYTHING about Real Estate.

And compared to some of our readers, who are Real Estate Professionals, I still hardly know anything. But this blog isn’t about being an expert, it’s about learning! And each one of us, from beginners like me to seasoned professionals, had to start their journey with a single step.

As long as we are open we will always find new things to learn and captivate us.

These are lofty goals. How are we going to accomplish them?

This blog will be made up of three main parts that will integrate together as we go along:

Real Estate Resources

Seems pretty obvious. I write for a real estate company, so we need posts on Real Estate. One of the professionals on our team or guest writer (maybe even myself one day) will write an essay about a burning issue or Real Estate staple and find the human element in this work.

In-Depth Contemplation

Since we can also see Real Estate as a vehicle to achieve our dreams and accomplish ends related towards our company values, we’ll feature posts contemplating Freedom, Family, Relationships and anything else we notice ties into our work or the benefits that human-focused work-life harmony provides.

Periodic Personal Check-Ins

To use an often misattributed quote, “It’s the journey that matters, not the destination.” What marks accomplishments? A university diploma? A professional certificate? Dollars in a bank account? Trophies or medals? Those are mere pieces of paper and hunks of metal. It is the knowledge and experience gained, and how we learn to use it, that really marks who we become. Every so often there will be a piece from myself, a team member, or special guest taking stock of our growth the changes we notice along the way.

We’ll be working on all three of these concurrently, so eventually we’ll be able to organize them into separate spaces. For now, let us know what topics in Real Estate and Life interest you and we’ll get to work exploring! Maybe we’ll even enlist your help.

Post Summary

Our Director of Engagement, Nate LeBlanc breaks down the ideals behind Doorward Thinking and how it ties into Real Estate

This article was written, edited and published by members or collaborators of the Doorward Team. Doorward Inc. maintains a positive outlook on the inherent dignity of each: their singular ability to reason and create, to choose and likewise be responsible for their decisions. We defend their best intentions and affirm each person’s freedom to express their own thoughts and opinions and experiences, and to engage in civil discussion regarding them.

This article is meant to be thought-provoking, and is not intended to be specific direction for the topic of this post. Please do your own research and consult the appropriate people for guidance before making a decision related to the topic of this post.

My name is Nate LeBlanc and as Dooward’s Director of Engagement, part of my job is to manage the Doorward Thinking blog, host the Doorward Thinking Podcast, and start an expedition towards what is good and true, all while making friends and learning along the way.

I’ll be your companion on a journey towards a better understanding of how our work integrates into our purpose in life.

Oof, that sounds heavy. I’ll be honest, discovering the best way to communicate this journey has been no picnic. We’ve looked at styles ranging from academic in nature to something more contemplative, but they just didn’t stick.

This "reboot" will incorporate elements of both, but first and foremost, it will be an honest communication of our discoveries and epiphanies.

What’s this got to do with Real Estate?

If you’re familiar with Doorward, you’ll know by now that Doorward is a Real Estate Technology Company working on a Social Real Estate market network, among other things, allowing professionals in real estate to socially connect with other professionals and transact business on a user-centered platform, and it turn, live more whole and fulfilling lives. Crazy right?

Learn about us and what we do here!

Real Estate is an ideal vehicle with which we will embark on our quest. Taking a look at our company values and see how Real Estate promotes each:

Forging Strong Relationships:

A strong Real Estate ecosystem requires strong connections with others including tenants, owners, investors, skilled tradesmen and other professionals. The relationship building skills we learn in our work help us to better connect with others in our leisure.

Pursuing Simplicity:

As technology has developed, various online tools have created an ecosystem much like a cluttered office. It’s time for some spring cleaning, taking all of the good and designing an innovative system for the user. Learning to see and prioritize life’s essentials helps us to cut through the clutter and have meaningful interactions with our loved ones.

Fostering Entrepreneurial Spirit:

Real Estate is being seen by more and more people as an avenue to achieving their dreams. Whether this is realized in the business ventures of our users or their family members or communities, we are all more likely to have bigger dreams and achieve them if we are nurtured and encouraged to take the leap with others supporting us.

Defending Freedom:

The dreams people seek to manifest through Real Estate requires the freedom to hope, pursue, learn, and grow into their personal vision. It is necessary for all people to have the ability to learn to pursue and exercise freedom without infringing upon the freedom of others.

Recognizing Importance of Family:

Much of the real estate industry serves the family directly, either in homes to protect family members and culture, workplaces to earn money to financially support dependents or to manage resources, or centers where the community gathers. An emphasis on this understanding helps us to utilize land in the ways that best serve and support others.

Having Heart:

None of the rest above matters if we do not recognize the capacity of the human heart to love and to be loved. Just laws, contracts, work, and decision making are essential for Real Estate to foster Relationship, Simplicity, Entrepreneurial Spirit, Freedom and Family. The heart has an incredible capacity to grow in receiving and giving love. It requires a truly personal and selfless journey towards love where ways to exercise love (e.g. our work) are essential.

Why Me?

It’s a question we all ask ourselves at one time or another, right?

The credit goes to my friend and Doorward’s founder, Daniel Jakubisin, who recognized that in walking away from medical school and trying to start over with $300k in student loan debt, I had begun this personal journey towards understanding the work-purpose integration on my own. He convinced me that I could be up front and center sharing his company’s mission, and communicate our expedition. It took a while to get to this point though, because I let one thing hold me back…

Five months ago when I signed on I didn’t know ANYTHING about Real Estate.

And compared to some of our readers, who are Real Estate Professionals, I still hardly know anything. But this blog isn’t about being an expert, it’s about learning! And each one of us, from beginners like me to seasoned professionals, had to start their journey with a single step.

As long as we are open we will always find new things to learn and captivate us.

These are lofty goals. How are we going to accomplish them?

This blog will be made up of three main parts that will integrate together as we go along:

Real Estate Resources

Seems pretty obvious. I write for a real estate company, so we need posts on Real Estate. One of the professionals on our team or guest writer (maybe even myself one day) will write an essay about a burning issue or Real Estate staple and find the human element in this work.

In-Depth Contemplation

Since we can also see Real Estate as a vehicle to achieve our dreams and accomplish ends related towards our company values, we’ll feature posts contemplating Freedom, Family, Relationships and anything else we notice ties into our work or the benefits that human-focused work-life harmony provides.

Periodic Personal Check-Ins

To use an often misattributed quote, “It’s the journey that matters, not the destination.” What marks accomplishments? A university diploma? A professional certificate? Dollars in a bank account? Trophies or medals? Those are mere pieces of paper and hunks of metal. It is the knowledge and experience gained, and how we learn to use it, that really marks who we become. Every so often there will be a piece from myself, a team member, or special guest taking stock of our growth the changes we notice along the way.

We’ll be working on all three of these concurrently, so eventually we’ll be able to organize them into separate spaces. For now, let us know what topics in Real Estate and Life interest you and we’ll get to work exploring! Maybe we’ll even enlist your help.

Our Blog

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Sweet Location = Sweet Business

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Nate LeBlanc

November 4, 2021
The Brave Little Landlord

Finding Wisdom and Work-Life Harmony seems impossible in today’s fast paced, work-driven world. Taking lessons from a lesser-known fairy tale, Nate explains how slowing down and taking a birds eye view of life exposes what keeps us stuck in the churning wheel of “productivity” and reveals ways to break the cycle while growing in wealth, peace, friendship, and freedom.

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November 4, 2021
Adventures in Dog Sitting: A Showcase in Trust

In the first post in a series about the importance of trust in life and work, Nate recounts his adventures dog sitting a Corgi who loves to bite and notices trust is laced throughout even the smallest moments of everyday life.

Nate LeBlanc

may 14, 2013
5 Steps to Shortening Your Business Growing Pains

Doorward Thinking host Nate LeBlanc reflects on some recent growing pains. Here are the top five ways he's discovered to stop spinning your wheels and move forward.

Nate LeBlanc

may 14, 2013
The River of Real Estate

Doorward Founder Daniel Jakubisin shares a bit about the insights gained about Doorward's role in Real Estate on his latest think day.

Daniel Jakubisin

Chief Executive Officer
may 14, 2013
Podcast Show Notes - Episode #14 Coming Together

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